香港寶嘉 - 蓮塘/香園圍口岸土地平整及基礎建設工程


  • Heavy workload for documentation, such as collating safety inspection data and compiling monthly reports
  • Difficulties in following up outstanding issues through whatsapp communication and piles of reports
  • Limited analysis of safety findings and accidents as a result of paper based process or unstructured data input


  • Capture and plot safety issues on site plans using the up-to-date drawings synchronised on SnagR
  • Automate notifications to production teams and/or subcontractors and trace progress on dashboard
  • Digitalised accident forms on SnagR


  • Reduce administrative workload significantly, allowing safety officer to spend more time on-site monitoring safety
  • Monitor team performance and make effective resource planning
  • Compare contractor performance, review top safety issues, and generate specific analytics such as accident frequency rate in one click

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